Saturday, 4 June 2016



This blog will display all photos of top Aicraft livery and top scenery from MRU Flight Fans Group here.. All the photo belong to The MRU Flight simulator fans group Simplayer.. 

Our team use different Flight Simulator software such as Flight simulator 2004 ,Flight  Simulator X , P3d  , X-plane
To get a realistic flightThey use Commercial level simulation(CLS), Precision Manuals Development Group(PMDG),Airosoft .

Join our Group MRU Flight Simulator Group

Tags FSX Game Simulator photo Livery Aircraft flight simulator
fsx airosoft p3d pmdg mauritius fimp fmee aiport
tarmac taxy way light

Top Aircraft Livery from MRU Flight Simulator fans Group

Mauritius Fsx Scenery

Reunion FMEE Scenery

Other Scenery